A Year (Not) to be remembered

by John Vickery


John Vickery was born blind with congenital cataracts and nystagmus. When he was four, he had an operation that gave him some sight in his right eye. He was married to his beloved wife, Vera, for over 40 years, they had 2 children and many grandchildren together. He is a musician, poet and writer, with his latest book called ‘The Bard of Bedminster’ published in 2020. The book proceeds are donated to Avon Sports and Leisure Club for the Visually Impaired, which is a charity based in Bristol. 

A Year (Not) to be remembered Lyrics by John Vickery © I was born, bred and buttered in Bristol, And I have lived there all my life. I settled down, in Bedminster, And got married to Vera, my wife. 2020, I wish I .png
I have found in my life, that if you want to do something, and you’re able to, nothing is impossible. Unless you keep saying you can’t, because you can, regardless of age and ability
— John
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